Membership & Baptism

To become a member at Grace PCA involves a 3-step process.

First, those desiring membership meet with Dr. Jacobs and his wife Debbie. The purpose of this meeting is getting to know each other. Our Pastor will ask you to share your testimony; that is how you came to saving faith in Christ. He will encourage all prospective members to review ‘The Distinctives of Grace” booklet which is an overview of the church’s beliefs and practices. The “Distinctives of Grace” is also available in audio on our church website under the "Resources” tab. It is available in both written and audio formats.

Second, you will briefly meet with our church Session. This meeting will be arranged by the Session. They will also be interested in hearing your testimony, as well as available to answer any questions you may have. Upon approval by the
Session, during that same meeting, our Pastor will ask you the following questions from our Book of Church Order.

  • Do you acknowledge yourself to be sinners in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope save in His sovereign mercy?
  • Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation?
  • Do you now resolve in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit that you will endeavor to live as becomes a follower of Christ?
  • Do you promise to support the Church in its worship and work to the best of your ability?
  • Do you submit yourself to the government and discipline of the Church, and promise to study its purity and peace?
With a clear testimony and the affirmation of each of these questions, the Session
will welcome you as a member of Grace PCA.

Third, the new member is to be asked these same questions before the church on a Sunday morning. If you, as a new believer, or your children are in need of baptism, the ordinance of baptism will be given at this time. Members who have given a profession of faith are Communing Members. That means that they are admitted to the Lord’s Table by the Session.
Members who have not given a profession of faith are Non-Communing Members. Typically Non-Communing Members are the children of believing parents. Non-Communing members are entitled to baptism, pastoral oversight, instruction and the government of the church, but not admitted to the Lord’s Table, until such a time that they are able to give a profession of faith.
Join us each Sunday as we gather together at 9:15 am for Sunday School and 10:30 am for worship